Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Duplicate Stitch

Obviously, I am a fan. :)

I love to whip out my coloring crayons and some graph paper and layout a chart. To me, duplicate stitch is just like cross stitching I used to do with my mom. It is the easiest way to jazz up a pair of longies.

I have been told that I do my duplicate stitch backwards...but I do it that way to avoid the "smooshing" of the pic that occurs when I duplicate stitch on the V's.
Here is how I do it.....and of course, from time to time I do 1/2 stitches and V's to make the picture look perfect :)

To follow a HMBM chart, each square corresponds with a ^ in your knitted object.

Cover each with the color specified on the chart, or feel free to substitute your own color scheme.

My full proof way of duplicate stitch:

Come up at the top of the stitch (the stitch is a ^ shape)....

Go under both legs of the stitch below it......

And then go back down into the top of the stitch........

When you are done you will have covered the stitch with a new color and it will look like this....

You cover each stitch with the appropriate color and it makes a picture!! The options are limitless....enjoy!!!!

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